Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Why Does God Allow Evil And Suffering In The World?

Evil and suffering are aspects designed by God to allow us find our way back home, to help us heal; every problem carries a hidden gift. Very often our most traumatic experiences in life deliver us some of our greatest blessings. They serve as a wakeup call from our slumber, offering us the opportunity to discover oneness – eliminate separation and keeps us focused on the course thereby helping us to avoid life’s numerous distractions.
In the journey of life imperfect souls as we are through the illusion of evil and suff ering become whole. At the end of times and with the completion of the big picture, we will discover that evil and suffering were the major players in the undertaking of reconnection to God.

We cannot fully live the experiences of life as conceived by God without the pivoting element of contrast; and it is only through evil as opposed to good or suffering as opposed to enjoyment that we can achieve this goal – balance and harmony. The Mighty Creator in order to accomplish this mission therefore introduced duality in the equation.
Suffering makes it possible for us to start our spiritual journey by questioning the meaning of life, acts like a carrier that moves us to a higher understanding of the purpose of life.

Suffering brings us back to ourselves and make us grow, brings back our focus knowing that tranquility and fullness of peace cannot be found here; makes us humble, purified, disciplined by turning to God for solutions. Accepting and understanding each lesson enables us to find the pearl of wisdom within each difficulty, pushes us beyond our thresholds thereby bringing us to higher and higher levels of consciousness.

We generally find the way to our awakening - the path that will lead us to discovering our own truth through the experience of loss, illness or some crisis. So when suffering becomes acute impure souls advert to the lord, we start looking for a way out which ultimately leads us to discovering our true nature.

Suffering under certain circumstances can also be considered as a means of resolving our karmic debt and an opportunity to express our free will choices.

Only after experiencing the darkness of fear are we able to appreciate fully the magical light of love. Having experienced the contrast between the polarities of love and fear, and made love our preference, we now know what to seek and what to avoid. We allow fear its right to exist as a valid part of the whole, but we prefer to bathe in the light of love. Rather than give energy to fear by denying its existence, we simply prefer love.

Within the knowledge of true perception, there is basically no right or wrong, good or bad (we are dynamic choice makers). Everything happens for a reason; God is perfect. This paradox can only be very well appreciated through the understanding of higher truths and in conjunction with spiritual progress. These notions of “good” and “bad” are simply human ideas born out of a limited understanding of the true nature of the universe where there is in fact only experience. All experience is valuable and valid and adds to the whole. If experience were simply limited to what humans call “good,” then the universe would become unbalanced and would not be sustainable. So stability and growth and ultimate perfection initially require the entire spectrum of possible experiences including those we call “bad” or “evil.” These experiences are related to the vibrations upon which we are focused. And as we progress, the difference in accommodating these two notions decreases, yielding an increase in the overall vibration, as we travel inward toward God.