Tuesday, May 13, 2014


Sample Chapters

The journey through life, or rather to God, is a midway encounter; just as we are searching for God, God is also searching for us. And the encounter is always very exhilarating. This is a natural desire, our divine blueprint; this quest is inborn. Our bond with God can never be severed even when we feel lost. God loves every human being who ever lived, lives now, or ever will live. God’s desire is for every soul to return to him, and God cannot fail in having this desire fulfilled; it is just a matter of time.
Entering into our own spirituality is a private journey; salvation is individual. Each of us will be drawn to a different gateway to begin on our personal path to awakening to a greater experience of ourselves. Even though we may be taught certain philosophies or beliefs as children, we still need to find our own way of understanding and applying them in our lives.
For those who are raised without a spiritual framework, they may not even know their process as a form of spirituality. Nevertheless, there is no individual who has never considered God. Even the so-called atheists have a philosophy, because the unfolding process called life is a philosophy. Many people begin by recognizing existence as their truth simply because they are alive. At some stage in their lives, whether in youth or adulthood, they are likely to recognize the resonance of their beliefs, the ring of truth in their philosophy, and their dedication to their chosen purpose. This doesn’t mean they have finished their journey, however. Truth is relative: all truths are half truths, and, as we progress in life, we update our truths. We are all converging toward the absolute truth.
Our inner guidance will lead us so that we will be drawn to the right doorway for us—a doorway that only we can recognize by the way it makes us feel inside. It could be a picture of an angel or the gift of a pearl. We may meet someone special who shares their experiences with us in a way that we find intriguing. While visiting the home of an admired friend, we may notice a book or statue of a deity and ask why our friend chose those tools. Or a word or phrase may catch our attention in a song, a movie, or a lecture. Some may find their way by walking through the experience of the loss of a loved one through illness or some crisis before they begin the search for what will help them truly to heal, while others may seek physical improvement and stumble across yoga or meditation—only to find that it leads them to an unexpected place beyond the body.
As we awaken to ourselves and to life, we will become more attuned to what is right for us. The universe speaks to all of us through infinite channels, but we each have our own frequency. Others may share what worked for them, but only we can decide what truly makes us feel inspired, awakened, connected, fully conscious, aware, and alive. Whatever our path, it is perfect and is meant especially for us.
The more we practice holding the peace and love within us, the easier it becomes to ride the waves of life that will often toss us around. No one’s life is without incident or learning curves—challenges—but we can make it a lot easier by understanding our power to create harmony and balance around us. The collective result is a bonus for humanity, as the mass consciousness will benefit, and it adds to the growth of the light upon earth.

Throughout the history of civilization, humans have constantly searched for understanding of who we are, where we have come from, what the purpose of life is, and who or what God or absolute truth is. This quest, be it overt or subtle, continues day after day, year after year, generation after generation, and may manifest in many forms. Scientists and researchers look for the absolute origin of life or the absolute cause of the universe. The answers to this quest for our purpose and identity form the seeds of all metaphysical and spiritual philosophies.
The idea behind this work is to provide missing or remote information that can awaken or revolutionize consciousness; to create a milieu, an atmosphere, where religious vibes can fl oat or flower, where God’s fragrance—love—can be smelled. I hope the message of this book can change people’s lives by simply expanding their belief systems about God and life; by helping them drop their masks, thereby discovering who they really are.
For close to three decades, I have been attempting to discover the path to this mystery by gathering information from within and without, relating to religion, that I would like to share with others—religion being the goal of life, our raison d’ĂȘtre, the alpha and omega. I have been a rebellious spirit since birth, questioning and challenging tradition and religious dogmas—my divine blueprint.
We are all conversant with the adage “knowledge is power.” With power comes freedom, and power and freedom cloak us with courage. With this religious cocktail, I have attempted to gather as much information as possible to help reach the objective of acquiring freedom and courage.
It is sad to realize that the graphs tracing the path from our birth to the end of our mission are generally flat, with few, if any, peaks, no color, no modulation, no music, no dance, no celebration, no benediction—just because we have lost touch with existence. We are clinging to the earth, but the sky is ready to take us.
Our hearts should instead be filled with love and colors as vivid as a peacock’s. The truth will set us free to love in such a way, and our life will no longer be monotonous.
My ardent vision is of a united or universal religion, within which humankind will become one again as in the beginning.
There is only one religion—the religion of Love.
We should, therefore, bear in mind that ours is not a better way; ours is merely another way.
No single step or effort taken toward God is ever wasted.
Unless a seed becomes a flower, it remains frustrated.
Let us become a flower!
And only when one is a flower can one be offered to God.
Let us remember, there is a star to guide the humble, or rather, the “surrendered.”
May God’s grace shower the light on us that we may succeed in this long and tedious journey.

There is only one god, and this one god does not care whether we are Catholic or Protestant, Jewish or Muslim, Hindu or Buddhist, or have no religion at all; all he expects from us is our love.

Religion - The Journey Back
Every religion is but one colored ray of the light of God, and, in the union of all religions, the true white light will be seen.
Most people are born into a religious culture and are raised to think that their religion is the best. This is to be expected because of the ego, but thoughtful individuals will wonder where and how their religion began and developed and how it compares with other existing religions. The essence of most religions—and their ultimate purpose—are often quite similar.
Religion is never meant to be mere morality, a belief system, or a number of concepts or ideas that are blindly accepted as truth. It is rather meant to be a process that enables us to reach the stage of fully realizing, by direct perception and experience, the nature of spiritual reality. Our parents train us in their religion, just as they choose the first stages of our education for us. But eventually, as we mature, we end up choosing an occupation for ourselves. It should be the same with religion.
No matter what one decides to do in life (become a businessman, a doctor, a lawyer, or whatever), one must, first of all, get trained. This means deciding what school to attend, what courses to take, where and how to get an internship, if necessary, and then, which places to apply for a job, or where to go to start a business. This must be done properly to be successful.

The Soul Mission
The life of the soul here in the material world is full of challenges. The soul’s personal evolution and mission, although trapped by the duality game, can become very exciting and joyful when guided by divine grace—a condition called upon by the benevolent soul yearning for guidance.
The purpose of our soul journey is healing (learning, teaching, and experiencing love), growth, and transformation. Virtually all careers or rather all aspects of life offer opportunities to teach love, in one way or another. It may involve bringing joy and laughter through arts or crafts; supporting a cause that we believe in; helping children, the environment, animals, or some group that is meaningful to us; writing and teaching; meditating and praying; and an infinite number of other possibilities. Everyone’s life purpose is equally important, just as all musicians in an orchestra are equally necessary. At different times in our life, our soul purpose reflects the step on our path that we are on and the energies that must be resolved to achieve progress.
Everything in life is energy, energy fields. A larger-than fathomable matrix vibrating at different frequencies in different locations, everything in life is vibrating; vibration is the movement of energy forming specific patterns. The emotion of love, of feeling, is focusing energies into a resonating wave pattern, a beautiful constellation. Miscreations associated with thoughts, words, and deeds create energies that need to be resolved. All the challenges we encounter in life spin around how to heal, to resolve energy; everything we do creates energy. In reality, we are an extension of pure creational energy expressing ourselves in matter until all learning in the school of life is complete – fully realized we then return home.

The Duality Game
Good and evil exist together, they are polar opposites, and they are complementary.
All of God’s creation is centered on duality —light and darkness, male and female, love and fear, etc. Duality therefore encompasses the law of opposites, the law of polarity—universal laws that govern our earthly activities, enhancing our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual growth. So the purpose of duality is to create contrast in our life. If the world consisted only of goodness, for example, things would become static, creation would lack aliveness, and the possibility of growth and expansion would be absent. God in his divine wisdom therefore introduced duality to create change, to create an opportunity for movement and expansion; God used the dynamics of opposition to get creation moving.
Nevertheless, at some point, we should be able to go beyond the challenges resulting from duality by raising our consciousness to a level that will embrace both polarities through the energies of love and compassion. The idea is not to have light conquer dark, but to go beyond these opposites, thereby creating a new type of consciousness that embraces and transcends both; evil and good are natural opposites, and they exist by the grace of one another.
Not everyone reaches this understanding, or the ability to embrace both seemingly contrasting elements in a single lifetime. For this reason, the soul will be reborn time and again to learn and grow in ways not possible in the previous life. Our earthly cycle of lives ends when the game of duality no longer has a hold on us.
In the absence of that which we are not, that which we are is not; it cannot be experienced, it cannot be known (in the absence of hot, cold does not exist).
Only after experiencing the darkness of fear am I able to appreciate fully the magical light of love. Having experienced the contrast between the polarities of love and fear, and made love my preference, I now know what to seek and what to avoid. I allow fear its right to exist as a valid part of the whole, but I prefer to bathe in the light of love. Rather than give energy to fear by denying its existence, I simply prefer love.
Existence is a play of sun and shade, of hope and despair, of happiness and sorrow, of life and death. So existence is duality: a tension of opposite poles, music of contrary notes. To know, recognize, or experience it as such is to go beyond it. Watch the drama, but do not drown in it; rather, be drowned in the observing. Observe religiously without interference.

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